In the Community
At The Goddard Church we believe that our faith in God is revealed by our actions, not just our words. So we commit to giving our time, talents and treasure to serving God in the community around us. Anyone is welcome to help us serve those in need. And for those looking for assistance, please contact our office at 316-794-2207.

The Goddard Church Food Pantry
The Food Pantry feeds over 50 families each month. Food distribution takes place every third Tuesday from 10 am - 2 pm. Financial donations and food gifts can be dropped off at the church Monday-Thursday.
Call the church office at 316-794-2207.
Specific donation needs include:
- Toilet Paper
- Canned Corn
- Canned Beans (Baked or Green)
- Bisquick
- Soup

Lord's Acre Benevolent Fund
The Lord's Acre Benevolent Fund (LABF) was established to demonstrate the love of Jesus in real and practical ways. The LABF does in several ways:
- Clothes Closet
- Support of The Goddard Church Food Pantry
To apply for food assitance, you must submit a copy of your driver's license and proof of income to the office administrator at 300 N. Cedar. Monday-Thursday, 9 am - Noon.

The Lord's Acre Clothes Closet
We provide low cost ($1 per item), gently used clothing and house wares for those who need them.
The Clothes Closet is located 301 N. Elm, Goddard. If all parking spaces are full, you may park in the church parking lot. We are open M-W-F, from 2pm -5pm.
We accept any gently used clothing, toys, and household items. Drop off at our 24-hour drop containers on the west side of the building or bring items in during open hours (preferred method of donation).
Around the World
As well as serving the nation and world around us through mission trips, we also pledge our prayers and financial assistance to missionaries who have dedicated their lives to being God's hands and feet.
Vasilika Bora - Campus Crusade for Christ
Joel & Janelle Rich - Ethos - Brazil
Lynn & Sharon Fogelman & Ben & Jenny Riez - Mission Society - South Sudan
Missions on Wheels - Costello
Union Rescue Mission
Monika Ibrahimi - Institute of Biblical Leadership (IBL)
Bob & Alissa Harris - Student Mobilization