Faith of our Fathers Deep Dive Week 3 | Embracing Doubt: A Path to Deeper Faith

Corbin Riley   -  

Embracing Doubt: A Path to Deeper Faith

In the journey of faith, doubt is often viewed as a weakness or a sign of faltering belief. However, this perspective overlooks the profound role doubt can play in deepening our relationship with God. The fallacy that faith eliminates doubt is just that—a misconception. True faith encompasses the full spectrum of human experience, including the uncertainties and challenges that test our convictions.


Consider Moses, a man chosen by God to lead His people out of Egypt. In Exodus 3:1-12, we witness Moses encountering God through the burning bush. Despite this miraculous sign, Moses is filled with doubt, questioning his ability to fulfill God’s command. “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” he asks. It is through this very doubt that God reassures Moses, promising His presence and support, thus strengthening Moses’ faith.


Doubt does not signify a lack of faith; rather, it can be the catalyst for a more profound and resilient belief. It invites us to question, to seek, and to knock on the door of divine mystery, where we often find God waiting with open arms. When we embrace our doubts, we allow ourselves to be vulnerable before God, and it is in this vulnerability that our faith can grow.


So, let us not shun our doubts but welcome them as opportunities to engage more deeply with our Creator. Let us remember that faith is not the absence of doubt, but the means to seek understanding beyond it.


Join us next Sunday at 10 am for Week 4 of our ‘Faith of our Fathers’ series, where we will continue to explore how the faith of the patriarchs can embolden us today. Together, we will discover that our doubts, difficulties, and failures are not the end of our faith journey, but a bridge to a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God.