The Power of Love Week 3 | Deep Dive “Reconciling Love”

Corbin Riley   -  

The Power of Reconciling Love: A Deep Dive

In the bustling rhythm of daily life, we often overlook the profound impact of love—specifically, the power of reconciling love. Pastor Brad’s Week 3 sermon from “The Power of Love” series brings this to the forefront, urging us to embrace God’s reconciling love as delineated in Ephesians 2:11-22.

Reconciling love is not passive; it demands action and intentionality. It calls for:

A. Self-examination: It starts with a mirror, reflecting on our own faults and the roles they play in conflicts. This self-awareness is the bedrock of true contrition and the humility that propels us to seek forgiveness.

B. Active listening: It’s an investment of time and effort to truly understand others’ perspectives and feelings. More than hearing words, it’s about empathizing with experiences and fostering a safe space for open, honest communication.

C. Forgiveness: The heart of reconciliation beats with forgiveness, a personal choice to release grievances and the thirst for retribution.

As we apply these principles, we unlock the power of God’s love to heal and unify. Let’s continue this journey of love and join together next Sunday, August 25, for Week 4, “The Power of Mature Love,” where we will explore the depths and heights of love’s potential.

Embrace the challenge; embrace the change. Embrace the power of reconciling love.