Radical Faith “Connections”

Corbin Riley   -  

Embracing Radical Faith: The Power of Connection

This past Sunday, July 28, Pastor John inspired the congregation with a profound message on making Radical Faith connections. He reminded us that faith is not just a feeling; it’s an action. It’s trusting in the unseen and believing with conviction that it will propel us forward in life’s journey.

At the heart of Pastor John’s message was the sweet spot of our faith—Jesus Christ. Jesus doesn’t just hold power; He is the embodiment of divine power, and He graciously shares this with us. It’s through Him that we find the strength to overcome, the grace to forgive, and the courage to follow our God-given path.

We were each created perfectly yet uniquely by God, endowed with special gifts meant to serve Him and shine His light in the world. It’s our mission to discover these gifts and use them, not just for our fulfillment but for the greater glory of God’s kingdom.

The most poignant emphasis of Pastor John’s sermon was on connection—specifically, our connection to God. “God is the source,” he said, “connect to Him, He is listening.” This connection is vital. Without it, how can we fully experience the intercessory power of prayer from others? It’s a call to action: GET CONNECTED!

Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate Pastor Brad’s return next week to commence his new sermon series: ‘The Power of Love.’ It promises to be an enlightening exploration of how love is the most potent force we can harness in our lives.

Let’s carry the message of Radical Faith connections with us, nurturing our bond with the Divine, and sharing the transformative power of love with the world.

Always improve the present moment.