The Divine Current | Deep Dive Week 2 “Divine Doors”

Corbin Riley   -  

Navigating Life’s Pathways: A Devotional on Divine Guidance

In the journey of faith, believers often seek signs of divine guidance, looking for the hand of God in the unfolding tapestry of their lives. Last Sunday, during Week 2 of The Divine Current series, Pastor Brad brought up the central idea that the Holy Spirit can use circumstances to guide us, opening and closing doors in a manner that directs our paths. This is a profound concept that resonates deeply with the Christian experience.

John 14:15-17 says, “If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows him. But you know Him, for he lives with you and will be in you.” These verses offer comfort and assurance that the Holy Spirit is ever-present, acting as an Advocate, a Helper, and the embodiment of Truth within us.

The Holy Spirit’s role in guiding us is not always marked by dramatic events or miraculous signs. Often, it is the subtle nudging, the quiet voice within, or the serendipitous occurrences that nudge us towards one path or another. It is in the daily decisions, the moments of uncertainty, and the crossroads of life that we may sense the Spirit’s direction most profoundly.

As we reflect on the ways the Holy Spirit can guide us through circumstances, it is essential to cultivate a sensitivity to this divine influence. It requires a heart attuned to spiritual nuances, a mind open to discernment, and a soul willing to follow even when the path seems uncertain.

Consider the doors that have opened or closed in your own life. Can you trace the hand of the Holy Spirit in those moments? Have there been times when a door closed, only to redirect you to a path more aligned with your purpose and God’s plan?

As you meditate on the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life, ask yourself: How can I become more attuned to the Spirit’s guidance, and how might I better discern the doors being opened or closed for me? Reflect on this question, and may you find clarity and peace in the assurance of the Spirit’s guiding presence in your life.

Always improve the present moment.